Tuesday, March 20, 2012


The word "Myth" is usually referring to something historical and knowledgeable but recently has been used as a expression and saying. This has destroyed its significance with history, culture, and religion. (Bacchilega 25)

Honestly... Im struggle with every part of this paper... hahaha... but I think more then anything is I struggle finding quotes and sources that i can use in my paper and figuring out the best way to bind them or used them in my paper. I have a bunch of great ideas, some quotes, and arguments, but I have a hard time organizing it and writing about it without being boring or just stating things. Otherwords, Im struggle with Analysis. 



  1. One thing that can help with organization is to just dive in and write everything you've got. Then print it out, take a pair of garden shears (or if you're feeling conservative, some scissors), hack apart your paragraphs and then rearrange everything until it you've got a logical flow.

  2. Yeah I have trouble with analyzing too cause I feel like I'm analyzing the paper, but I just have a feeling like I'm gonna have to do a lot of editing.

  3. Yep, organization was tough. Making the outline really helped me because it forced me to work out all my thoughts before I actually started writing.

  4. I've been struggling finding quotes and stuff for my paper too... I keep reading my materials looking for one thing, and since I'm just looking for the one thing I'm not taking notes, but then later on I remember something I read while looking for something else and I want to use it for the section that I'm writing now but I can't find it and it is a PAIN. Haha so I'm with you there, good luck!
