Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Im kind of lame at making these similes, sorry

1. They entered the street, hugged, and spun and spun just like when he spun on the marry-go-round and... threw up.

2. His joy of seeing her was as profound as his first time watching star trek and seeing Kurt in action.

3. John's kiss on her lip was just as slippery as the slip n slide in her backyard.

4. Love is like dancing in a prairie. Its fun until you step in a cow pie.

5. they danced, and danced like dancers would do in a dance where dancers dance.

6. Her soft hair was as smooth as a cactus on a rainy day.


  1. Number 5 has to be my favorite. It's so... profound...

  2. Ha i love the Star Trek reference. Nice job on all of them!

  3. Haha I really like number four. Love really is wonderful until you step in a big pile of poo. ;)

  4. I think number four was my favorite too. I loved the randomness

  5. Haha, I liked the last one. Mainly because it totally makes sense to me.
