Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Post about Blog

I do like writing blogs for this class. I thought it was a lot of fun how we had to blog about certain things and see what others thought about them. I think it was a lot better then having to turn in a paper because it saves paper :) and because its a lot more convenient. As well, other see your blog, and comment on it, so it helped me to learn and see better ideas that helped me with our current assignments. The blog sometimes were very entertaining to read and see what other people were doing, saying, and thinking. It helped me understand that i was not the only one struggling with this part, and gave me a better way to find help and examples. With all of our blogs, we gave everyone ideas, and together, we helped each other out. If we didn't have the Blog, we wouldn't be able to help each other out, and we wouldn't be able to expand our mind. 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Analysis: Pandora is Awesome

I was going to do my analysis of Apple, but since we talked about it in class i decided to do PANDORA.

The main reason this website is efficient is because it is so simple. The website consist of one page to keep its focus on it main purpose of playing music. Because the website is only one page, the music continues to play even when you search for new music stations or even read the lyrics or information about the band/singer. Another nice and efficient features is the search bar. Its up in the left corner right under the logo. That is the spot where most people look because its where the logo is at and because people read from the top to left to right. Profile information is up in the right corner, which as become the common spot for the button to view and edit profile information. If its your first time on pandora, you will view the search bar in the middle of the screen with a "white space" around it. Techically its not white, but blue, yet it makes you focus to the middle. It makes it simple for first time users to search for music and to get started with using pandora. One part, which is my lest favorite, is the rule of thirds that pandora uses. 2/3 of the website is about it main purpose, but they use a right side column or 1/3 of the website for advertising. Its annoying sometimes, yet it fulfills their purpose because they want to make money and attract their audience to that space. Pandora is very efficient with their advertising. They track what you listen too, and as well use google ads which track your searches, so that they can efficiently advertise things that interest you(most of the time). The play and pause features are the 2nd most important part, and are place center on the website, or just right of the search bar and left of the profile button. This is a pretty good spot because its near other important parts of the website.


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Solution | Websites


I was having a hard time finding quotes from my sources. I realized that I just need to spend more time reading and looking through them. Skimming through the paragraphs and looking for the main points also helped me find the important things instead of just reading from the beginning.

Effective Websites
1. www.apple.com
its simple, beautiful, and just awesome

2. www.google.com
its google! lets all admit it... its simple.. and its completes its main purpose which is to search.

3. www.pandora.com
Easy. Simple. awesome.

4. www.washingtonpost.com
Show informational and important news on home page. Show most popular pages to the side and trending new on top! My favorite political news website.

Ineffective Websites
1. www.drudgereport.com/
I can't believe this was on page one of google. I searched news and this site came up. Its horrible. Its not appealing to the eyes(my eyes want to burn). Organization is horrible. No main menu bar. Too much text links.

2. www.dpgraph.com/
Wow... the background is a bunch of crappy moving graphics! I want to have a seizure!!!

3. www.sixtiespress.co.uk/
was this made in the sixties?!? disorganized. distracting.

4. www.monster.com/
I thought I do a kind of popular website for the last one. I feel its distracting with all the things around its main search bar. It also has WAY too much advertising around it! I hate annoying advertising... especially pop-ups or in this case where the it sides the page down and a ad comes down from the top. The other content on the home page is small and doesn't stand out. It should be a important part and be more simple.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


The word "Myth" is usually referring to something historical and knowledgeable but recently has been used as a expression and saying. This has destroyed its significance with history, culture, and religion. (Bacchilega 25)

Honestly... Im struggle with every part of this paper... hahaha... but I think more then anything is I struggle finding quotes and sources that i can use in my paper and figuring out the best way to bind them or used them in my paper. I have a bunch of great ideas, some quotes, and arguments, but I have a hard time organizing it and writing about it without being boring or just stating things. Otherwords, Im struggle with Analysis. 


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Library Research :)

Heading to the library last Monday was helpful in many ways. I learned many things that will help me find sources for my issues paper. I think the most useful thing i learned was the tools and resources that they gave us. I learned where to find websites that had useful information and books on my topic. I also learned that our class(WRTG 150) had its own website with other useful information. Another thing I learned is that we can't use a encyclopedia as a source. I knew that we couldn't use wikipedia as a source because its a public encyclopedia but I had no idea that a real encyclopedia couldn't be used. They also taught us how to find books at the library and how to find out where they are in the library. They also taught us how to get help at the library and online.

I think this visit to the library mainly helped me find tools and resources to use in my paper, but Im still pretty confused on how to find useful sources. They gave us the tool, and how to search for documents and books, but didn't give us enough help on how to narrow it down. I could search my topic and find thousands of books but obviously i don't have enough time to read through them all. Im still confused on how to find the right books and sources and how to skim and find the specific parts i need for my paper. In other words, Im still confused how to effectively find good sources. I feel that i have the tools.... great... but now i need to know better how to use those tools to find the specific quotes i need for my paper. Overall, it was useful because now i know where to find researching tools.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

My Proposal

So I think I'm going to do my Issue Paper on the general idea of Ridiculous Laws. I recently saw a report on the Fox News Network about Ridiculous Laws. Children were getting fined for having a lemonade stand on their front yard without a business permit. They also gave another example of a farmer who cleaned debris out of a ditch without city permission. Another Law in New York which stated that only taxis with a badge on their car had permission to use taxis to transport people. The Badge cost hundreds to thousands of dollars to own and doesn't allow small business or personnel to start their own taxi business. I believe this is wrong and limits creativity, progress, and entrepreneurship. Im really not sure if I can do my Issue paper on the topic in general which I would like.

I Think a research question could be: "Should their be a yellow line in Laws protecting monopolies, unsafe environments, and property." "Is laws and regulations limiting progress, creativity, and entrepreneurship." "Why does government make such laws and regulations?" "Should government enforce such situations?" I care about this a lot because I think were limiting the creation of something bigger and better. For example, I recently learned in history that religion and the old way of government was the main reason why the industrial revolution didn't occur until the last 300 or so years. Religion leaders believed that science would disprove of a God. Old government didn't allow entrepreneurship and the free market. Everything was control and was governed by the government. More laws and regulations have been created in the last 30 years then in the entire 200 years and more of the existence of the United States of America.  Many people who created the greatest inventions on earth would be sued and fined to DEATH for the experiments they did. If it was chemical they used on animals, the lighting of a field on fire, or cutting down a tree, either way, it would limit them of their creativity. We are too harsh today and I think it will limit my creativity, especially since Im not super rich to be able to buy all the permits and stuff required today to do anything!

SO... I kind of rampaged about this and I still not sure if I have a issue here. Maybe one of you guys can help me narrow it down... I don't know.


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

20 Interests

  1.  2012 Presidential Election 
  2. Renewable energies
  3. BCS in College Football
  4. Effect of Web Advertising 
  5. Google Privacy Agreement
  6. Media favoring in Politic
  7. United States Foreign Involvement
  8. United States Debt/spending
  9. Outrageous/Ridiculous Laws/Regulations(i.e. Government laws limiting creativity, freedom... Business licenses)
  10. Professional Sports in small states(like NFL in Utah)
  11. Government involvment/ownership of Businesses
  12. Cyber-Warfare (Cyber attacks)
  13. Democrats(or Republicans) voting in a Republican(or Democrat) primary
  14. State vote vs Population vote
  15. Monopolies
  16. Viewing violence leads to violence
  17. Youtube Copyright Policies(i.e. showing someone else without permission or showing property that is not yours... etc)
  18. Copyright policies
  19. Fireworks
  20. Effects of technology on the younger generation

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Peer Review and My Favorite Movies

3 things I would change
1. I would add more of how my paragraph effect the audience and how they would react
2. I would also clarify up my paragraphs and make them more understandable
3. May sure my whole paper is in the same tense(3rd person) and make sure to use Burtons name instead of him or he.

My favorite Movies
-Bourne Movies
-Lord of the Rings(3rd and 2nd are the best)
-Mission Imposible
-Italian Job
-What about Bob
News Anchor

Older Movies
-Better off Dead

Love letter - Han Solo to Princess Leia | Brian Doyle Style

Just know i tried :/
and now for the letter....

Hey your worship,
I know you think I'm alright, I know you love me. Sweatheart, I remember when we meet, i roared, I was rough, I was rushed to get out of the ship. It was a tough rescue. I fear the dead of you, you were scared, flicking of fear and pain in your face, the face i loved on first sight, that stopped me in the middle of shooting and haunts me this morning of your safety; for i turned to protect you, I'm captured and will be frozen, and i can never get out now, which hurts me.

Yes, you think I'm alright, Yes princess, you love me, yes your worship, that day you meet me and loved me and yes this was the start of your love for me and yes, you will miss me and yes I have a bad feeling. Yes you might not see me again, princess and yes i miss those times we fought, but you really loved me. I miss you your worship.


yes, i know its not that great :)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Im kind of lame at making these similes, sorry

1. They entered the street, hugged, and spun and spun just like when he spun on the marry-go-round and... threw up.

2. His joy of seeing her was as profound as his first time watching star trek and seeing Kurt in action.

3. John's kiss on her lip was just as slippery as the slip n slide in her backyard.

4. Love is like dancing in a prairie. Its fun until you step in a cow pie.

5. they danced, and danced like dancers would do in a dance where dancers dance.

6. Her soft hair was as smooth as a cactus on a rainy day.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Transgression Letters :/

Dear Judge,

Last Wednesday I received my 4th speeding ticket this month. I am deeply sorry for my misbehavior this last month. I feel I have learned from my mistakes and have done my best to stay at the limit now. Although the first three were my fault for being in a rush to get to BYU, I feel that I don't deserve my 4th ticket.  Last Wednesday on my way to BYU , I was heading down the hill between Orem and Provo on State Street. The speed limit is 40 mph but from the momentum of going downhill I happen to go over 40 and was pulled over.  I honestly was trying to follow the limit and feel bad for my 4th ticket. If you could please dismiss this ticket so that I might continue to be able to drive. I need to drive between my schedule of work and school. I will understand your decision but hope that I might have one more chance.

Jordan Cutler

Hi Mom, I just wanted to write this and tell you that I got my 4th speeding ticket. I know what your thinking, but I honestly have been following the speed limit and I got caught going down the hill going down from Orem to Prove on State Street. I was going 40 mph but with the momentum I went over a little and then I got pulled over. Just my luck... right. Im really sorry mom, I really been trying harder to leave earlier from school so that I'm not in a rush to get to school. The police are thinking of suspending my license and I have wrote the Judge explaining my situation. I really hope he will consider my circumstance and dismisses my ticket. Well, I hope all is well with you and dad. Don't worry too much!

Love ya

Hey friends! So i need your help! I know many of you depend on me driving you around town. I got my 4th speeding ticket going down that hill between Orem and Provo and now they are thinking of the suspending my license. Its pretty hard not to go over the speed limit down that hill! The Judge has given me a change to explain my 4th ticket and I know many of you were there with me and agree with me that the last ticket was unfair. If you could write a letter to the judge as witnesses of what happen, they might dismiss that last ticket. You guys are the best!


Friday, February 3, 2012

Found Poetry

So Im not really good at this but I was doing my physical science 100 reading and read a definition and randomly thought about this poetry assignment and thought, this kind of works, so I hope it works. :) feel free to disagree.

Ionic Conductors

Materials that do not

Conduct electricity

in the solid state

but do 

when molten


dissolved in water

Did i make a poem? i hope so :)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Blog # 3 (kind of late... sorry)

I picked Dear Students: Don’t Let College Unplug Your Future-Gideon Burton

Intent 1.  The author intent is to show that college is becoming increasing less important as new technology comes. He is trying to show how technology, through blogs, twitter, Facebook, online portfolios, etc, are having a bigger effect on resumes then having a college degree. He as well is proving that colleges are behind in technology improvements that are becoming more important in todays world. Interesting side-point, I heard and he talked a little about this, that technology is advancing so fast that by the time we graduate, the information we have learned is outdated by 2 years.

Tools 2. He uses many different tools to improve his paper. He uses ethos by being a professor. As a professor he knows and has seen how universities work and how efficiently they work. Because he is a professor, he can clearly have a stance on the subject. I also thought he related well with his Audience. He use a vocabulary and style that could relate well with students(his audience). 

Audience Reaction 3. I agree with many parts of his paper. It made me want to use technology more to improve my resume and future opportunities. I thought, "I need to get a blog! or else I'm missing out". He made me feel college is less important. So for the most part, I agree with him, but obviously, in this world, no one will accept someone for a blog over a diploma. I can see how technology can help, and increase your chances for success, but overall, a diploma is more important even if its just a paper, and if your education is outdated. 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

My Errors and Peer Review

My 5 Errors in my paper

Error: The second reaction pressures brings to us is mental reactions.
Problem: Pressures, should not have a s at the end, and some rewording.
Correction: The second reaction to pressure is mental reactions.

Error: We have the natural tendency to think, “I better hurry”, “I am running out of time”, or “Im taking too much time on this question, better guess on it”.
Problem: The commas should go in the quotations. also Im should be changed to I am or I'm. Some rewording as well.
 Correction: We have the natural tendency to think "i better hurry," I am running out of time," or "I am taking too much time on this question, I better make a guess"

Error:  We also wouldn’t feel rush, or uncomfortable while taking the test and. we would do their best and that’s what everyone wants. 
Problem: hahaha.. a lot. There shouldn't be a period after and. As well, there is no need for a comma before  the or. Their, should we changed to our(because Im trying to include myself in the paper). Also that's should be changed to thats or that is(there is not possession)
Correction: We also wouldn't feel rushed or uncomfortable while taking the test. We would do our best and that is what everyone wants.

Error:  We will take more time to analyze, think, read, write, which will increase our performance, scores, and knowledge. 
Problem: there should be a "and" put after read. 
Correction: We will take more time to analyze, think, read, and write, which will increase our performance, scores, and knowledge.

Errors:  Even with all those other worrys, we yet worry more about time. 
Problem: worrys is incorrect. It should be worries. As well needs some reworking.
Correction: Even with all those worries, we yet seem more worried about time.   

Please correct me if I am wrong. Some are very confusing.

My feelings about Peer Reviews

I really liked the peer reviews. It really helped me see some of the big errors I had in my opinion editorial. It also gave me ideas of how to structure, organize, and improve my paper. Many of these ideas i didn't see, and were great ways to improve my paper! By having 4 other people review my paper, I found all the things wrong with my paper and can see if my paper was efficient and if it was worth writing. If my peer reviewers like it, then my audience will like it! thats logic!